Friday, May 7, 2010


Hey, I'll be blogging on this site during my time in Sri Lanka. Hopefully this isn't my last post (those of you who checked out my blog last year "Crumbs under the Couch" know what I mean). Kallu Sudha pretty much means "white-washed" person which I am. I'll be dropping at least one Sinhalese word/phrase (one of the languages spoken in Sri Lanka) in each of my posts that way you guys can learn something while reading my blog. I'm quite excited. Last night I wore a sarama (sarong) around the house (typical skirt-ish thing guys wear in Sri Lanka).

Right now I'm packing/getting all my paperwork. I realized last night that I need to get vaccines so I'll have to get 6 shots on Monday (the day I leave). Anyway I'll write one more post this weekend before I leave.


  1. he he, not bad way to start your trip.. have a great journey to your motherland and have a great summer. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm excited for you to get outside of your white-washed box Nuwy. You might not come back...
